Monday, September 04, 2006

One Damn Long Survey (Guarenteed To Kill A Few Hours)
*~ Simple Questions ~*
Full Name::ling pei-ling melissa
Nickname(s)::meli, dunolah.
Where you named after anyone?::nope
Sex::i enjoy it frequently. lol. JK! FEMALE lah.
Straight, Gay, or Bi?::gay. and loving it. =)))) heehee
Ethnical Background/Skin Color::cheena. n yellowish whitish skin. i need a TAN
Eyes::2. i have 2 eyes. lol. brown lahh
Hair::brown. shoulder length
Height::161 or 162 pr sth..
Weight::heavy la
Shoe Size::6
Parents Names/Ages::duno age. LC n henry
Siblings Names/Ages::lionel/20, audrey/19
Are your parents married or separated?:married
Western Zodiac Sign::virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign::monkehh
Address::u wanna b my stalker ah? i dun wanna gif. =P
What kind of house do you have?::hdb 4room
Religion::atheist. aka free thinker
Righty or Lefty?::righty
Do you have legs?::no.
Marital Status::married and looking. =))
Are you an organ donor?::i want to be! when im old enough to pledge my organs
Do you have a driver's license/permit?::no
Do you own a car?::no
What kind of car do you have/want?::a red beetle or a HUGE SUV
Where do/did you go to school?::tampines n marine parade PAP kindergarten. CHIJ KCP n PRSS
Current Occupation::student and mother
What do you want to work as in the future?::duno.. sth in the entertainment industry
Where did/do you attend college or where do you want to attend?::dunno. somewhere overseas. harvard? heh. oxford is acceptable too *hopeful look*
What are your hobbies?::singing. talking. using comp. reading. writing.
Where do you shop mostly?::dunnooooo
Are you a good listener?::yesyesyes
Do you think looks are important?::to a certain extent
Do you use sarcasm a lot?::yes. quite a lot lah
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?::dunno.. im too perfect =))
Do you like to sing in the shower?::YEAH BABEHH
Do you like to sing on the toilet?::no
Do you like to read on the toilet?::sometimes. not really. its so unhygenic
*~ Favorites ~*
Movie::bring it on
Musical::bones. cos i acted in it =)
Scary Movie::dunno. i cant find a truly good scary movie..
Actor::josh hartnett!! i LOVE his eyes.
Actress::no preference.. maybe nicole kidman
Music Video::argh shh
Radio Station::987fm
Instrument::drum set
Comedian::russel peters! lol. or maybe ms swan
Website::shut up lah
Book::too many. quit asking
Manga::i dont like to read it.. but i like watching naruto n bleach
TV Show::duno
Reality Show::duno
Commercial::duno.. maybe the halls tt advert. where the polar bear was shaving himself.. lol
Sport's Team::dunno
Board Game::cashflow
Amusement Park Ride::rollercoaster duuhhh
Item Of Clothing::dunno
Room In Your House::my room? or the living room..
Subject In School::CCA heh
Word::fuck. NO LAH. just joking.
Nerdy Saying::dunno
Month::september. but i aso like november. HOLIDAYS!!
Day Of The Week::friday
Time Of Day::dunno
Holiday::end of year hols
Flower::mayflower maybe..
City::san franscisco
Beverage (Nonalcoholic)::sprite
Beverage (Alcoholic)::sex on the beach. lol. no lah. i dont like it. ive nv had it..
Restaurant::dunno. no signboard? or pariss
Fast Food Joint::macs
Ice Cream Flavor::coffee and.. cookies n cream
Lunch Meat::huh
Girl's Perfume::no prefernce
Guy's Cologne::zzz
Shampoo::zzz herbal essences maybe..
Cartoon Character::bubbles! haha. jk
Disney Character::little mermaid. or belle
Childhood Toy::barney!
*~ Are You A . . . ~*
Class Clown?::yes
Optimist?::not really
Pessimist?::i think so
Goodie 2 Shoes?::no
*~ Love Life Etc. ~*
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?::uh. their height.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend (if so, who?)?::no
How long have you been together?::blah
How did you meet?::blah
What's the sweetest thing he/she has done for you?::blah
What do you like best about him/her?::blah
What's the weirdest thing about them?::blah
If you could change one thing about him/her, what would it be?::blah
What do you do when you're together?::blah
Do you have a crush?::yes
Does he/she know that you like them?::no
Are you two friends/acquittances/etc.?:yes
How did you meet?::school
Is there any chance that you'll be together?::doubt so..
Can you see yourself marrying your boy/girlfriend/crush?::no
Do you want to get married?::no
If so, how old do you want to be when you get married?::blah
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?::europe. heh. but i dun wana get married
Would you have sex before marriage?::yes
Would you have kids before marriage?::no
Do you plan on having children?::yes
Names::cant rmb. i chose names b4 but i cant seem to rmb them now
Do you believe in love at first sight?::yes
Have you ever been in love?::yes
If so, with who?::duno lol
How many people have you dated?::2
Have you ever cheated?::no
What do you think of soul mates?::somewhere out there..
Are you afraid to ask someone out?::no
What do you want most in a relationship?::mutual trust and understanding
Describe your perfect date::NO
Describe the perfect kiss::NO
*~ Versus ~*
Hanging Out/Chillin'::hanging out
I Dream of Jeannie/I Love Lucy::i love lucy. this is lameee
The Brady Bunch/The Partridge Family::brady bunch
Funny Movies/Scary Movies::funny
*~ Friends ~*
Funniest::tiffany. or xue wei
Tallest::jia hao
Shortest::hmmm... i dunno leh..
Prettiest::wan leng maybe..
Most Outgoing::besides me? tiff maybe
Can't Keep a Secret::gangan! lol. no lah. i dunno
Most Alike::tiff or corr
Most Accident-Prone::ME! lol
Punkiest::farhan? lol
Has The Most Inside Jokes::dunno
Most Obnoxious::she/he wouldnt b my friend then.
Most Gullible::wan leng!!
Biggest Panhandler::corrina
Biggest Fruitcake::xin yi
Happiest::xue wei mayb?
Most Depressed::me.
Most Clueless::wan leng!
Most Talented::MEHHHH!!! lol.
Best Singer::mag mayb. not technically a friend right?
Most Likely To Become Famous::dunno. xue wei?
Most Original::xue wei. for SURE
Best All-Around::tiffany..
Best Friends::tiff n corr
Which friend have you had the longest?::tiffany!
Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most?::tiffany, xiao xuan, corrina, wei yin, traitor.
*~ The Worst ~*
Actor/Actress::abigal chay
Song::HAHAHA. too many!!
TV Show::dunno
Reality Show::dunno
Subject In School::MT!!
Sport's Team::dunno. man u? hahah
Day Of The Week::Thursday!
Time Of Day::dunno
Fast Food Joint::dunno
Smells::rubbish dump maybe? or bad breath
*~ More Versus ~*
Love or Lust?::love
Hugs or Kisses?::kisses
Truth or Dare?::truh
Diamond or Pearl?::diamond
Silver or Gold?::silver
Fruits or Veggies?::fruits
Ketchup or Mustard?::mustard
Plain, Buttered, or Salted?::salted
Crushed or Cubed?::depends..
Plain Milk or Chocolate Milk?::choc
Strawberries or Watermelon?::watermelon.
Croutons or Bacon Bits?::croutons. but if its realbacon then bacon bits
Gun or Knife?::gun
Boxers or Briefs?::boxers. lol
Showers or Baths?::baths
Coke or Pepsi?::pepsi
Batman or Superman?::-.- u asked this liao. SUPERMAN
Rich or Famous?::rich
Leather or Lace?::leather
Minty Gum or Fruity Gum?::depends..
Altoids or Tic-Tacs?::tic tacs
Electric Slide or Macerena?::electric slide
Violin or Fiddle?::violin
N*sync or Backstreet Boys?::BSB!!!!
*~ Have You Ever . . . ~*
Been so drunk you blacked out?::no
Missed school because it was raining?::no
Set a body part on fire for amusement?::no
Won any special awards?::yes
Been hurt emotionally?::yes
Mooned someone?::no. LOL. AGASSI!
Gone skinny dipping?::no
Kept a secret from everyone?::yes
Used any illegal drugs?::no
Lied to your parents?::yes
Lied to your best friend?::yes
Broke the law?::yes
Been in a mosh pit?::no
Danced when there wasn't any music?::yes
Broken/fractured a bone?::yes
Skipped school?::no
Went bungee jumping?::no
Thought you were going to die?::no
Met Santa?::no
Had an imaginary friend?::no
Cried during a movie?::yes
Had a crush on a teacher?::no
Thought an animated character was hot?::no
Been onstage?::yes
Punched a wall out of anger?::no
Had a Spice Girls tape?::no
Had a Hanson tape?::no
Had a New Kids On The Block tape?::no
Cut your own hair?::yes
Had a pet rock?::no. lol
*~ Controversial Issues ~*
How do you feel about abortion?::if its necessary, then go ahead.. dun let a baby ruin yr future
How do you feel about cloning and stem cell research?::i encourage it.
How do you feel about censorship?::they should not dictate wat we read, watch or anything. they already do tt thru propaganda. NO MORE CENSORSHIP!
How do you feel about gun control?::YES. they should b controlled
How do you feel about communism?::no. not good. democracy is best
How do you feel about plastic surgery?::discourage it
How do you feel about gay marriage?::i dont like it but i wont make any judgement..
How do you feel about:.. no Q?
How do you feel about online dating?::its ok lah
How do you feel about flirting if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?::not good..
*~ Right Now ~*
Date And Time::4th aug, 9am
Wearing::choir tee n shorts
Thinking About::him
Listening to::the rain fall
Talking to::you
The Weather is::rainy
Your mood is::sleepy
*~ Miscellaneous Questions ~*
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?::no
Do you have a journal?::yes
Do you have any piercings?::no
Do you have any tattoos?::no
Do you want any piercings/tattoos?::yes
Do you have any bad habits?::yeah
Are you superstitious?::not really.
Do you wish on stars?::YESYESYES! every night..
Do you like roller coasters?::yes!
How do you release your anger?::crying.
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number?::6289
Where would you like to sleep for a night?::in a hotel. 8 star hotel. HEH
Where's your second home?::school
What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?::a friend...
What's something about guys/girls that you don't get?::how it isnt awkward for them to confess their love for someone else..
How do you eat an Oreo?::twist, lick, dunk. HEEHEE
What's an object you can't live without?::mp3!!! n comp
What makes you happy?::many things. his smile?
What's the next CD you're going to get?::no idea.
What's your most embarrassing CD?::dunno..
Do you have a CD burner?::no
Do you have a lava lamp?::i want! but no.
Do you wear contacts or glasses?::glasses
Do you have braces or a retainer?::no. gonna get soon!
Worst sickness you've ever had::high fever
Where is your computer?::right here. lol. living room lah
What's on your mouse pad?::no mouse pad
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?::no
Can you lick your wenis?::errr. no wheres tt?
Can you juggle?::no
How many keys on your key ring?::2
Best wedding you ever went to?::my 1st cousins one..
What's the worst advice given to you?::dunno
What's the best advice given to you?::dunno
What is one of the best days of your life?::the day.. i met him?
What books are you reading?:atlantis. cooool book
What song seems to reflect you most?::dunno
Do you have any enemies?::maybe. if u dun like me, come n tell me k?
What did you do today?::wake up. brush my teeth, wash my face, do maths hw..
What are you doing later?::gng to sch. D&T
What is your greatest fear?::being alone..
If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you owned to?::tiffany.
What inspires you?::i dont know
What did you have for breakfast?::i din eat breaky.
Do you like getting mail?::yes
If E.T. knocked on your door and asked to use your phone, what do you do?::let him.
What's your e-mail address?
What does it mean?::duno. just nitewaker lor.
Last time you were depressed?::wed
What is your all time most favorite sweet?::CHOC
How do you want to die?::by jumping off a plane. travelling @ more than 1000 kmph.
What do you want to happen to your body once you die?::donate to medical research
If you could bring someone back from the dead who would it be?::dunno..
If you could go back in time and change something about your life. . .?:not meet him. so tt i wont b so confused now..
If you could ask God one question, what would it be?::why me?
If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you want to be with?::duuno. a guy? so tt he an take care of me
What is your idea of fun?::hah. too many. lazy to type
If you could take over the world, would you?::YEAH!! HAHAH. i am MOJO JOJO!!
If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be?::using the comp
Who do you want to be with right now?::him
Do you like to swim?::yes
Which celebrity (or even animated character) do you look most like?::dunno..
In the past week, what is the most fun thing you have done?::haha. yesterday the chatting with DADDEEE n gangan
What would you do if you knew the world would end tomorrow?::do all the things i didnt dare to do b4
Who do you think is the most attractive person in the world?::i dont know..
If you could go back to any era in history, where would you go and why?::to a romantic era..
Do you have a cellphone or MP3 player?::mp3
What's something crazy that you would do for a million dollars?::kiss HIM! lol.
Who would you consider a hero?::duno
Who are your personal heroes?::dunno
If you were to become blind, what would you miss most?::colour.. seeing his smile..
Do you do volunteer work?::sometimes
Where do you want to travel most?::europe
What are your favorite types of accents?::englsh british accents
What are you most known for?::my supposed happiness
Do you have a myspace?::no
What was the last thing you bought?::a coffee
Would you ever enlist in the military?::no
If you hadn't been doing this survey, what would you have been doing?::dunno
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