Thursday, September 21, 2006

[ ] You still like to make friends w/ your enemies
[ ] You love your cellphone
[ ] You have your own room
[ ] You like modelling
[x] You own a drawer
[x] You have a diary
[ ] You love slum books
[x] You have pictures of your friends (even the old
[ ] You always clean your room
[ ] You love organizing stuff
[x] You cook your own food
[ ] You have sang infront of the class and they
liked it
[ ] You're always confident
[ ] You make sure you don't forget anything for
[x] You automatically wake up for school
[ ] You always clean your house
[x] You love reading books
[ ] People tell you that you're a silent type of
[ ] Your teacher gives you good grades even when
you get a failing grade
[ ] You always have an award/honor
[ ] You hate dogs
[x] You love comedy movies
[ ] You like your hair
[ ] You love your parents
[x] You're in a group
[x] You're always early for school
[ ] You don't use the computer when there's an
[ ] You love friendster

TOTAL X's: 9
Multply the total X's by 3

[x] You're lazy in studying
[x] You like rock music
[x] You're parents (or anybody) still wakes you up
for school
[x] You wanna kill your enemies
[x] Your room is dirty
[ ] You don't wash the dishes after you eat
[ ] You surf the net everyday even though there's
an exam
[ ] You haven't been an honor student ever since
[x] You hate class
[ ] You love tigers/snakes
[x] You tease your teachers infront of them (or
when not looking)
[x] You say bad words
[ ] You're always late for school
[ ] You love the color grey
[x] You wanna run away from your house
[x] You wanna make friends with beautiful people
[ ] You make sure your friends are rich
[ ] People like you for your looks
[ ] You never smile
[ ] You throw stuff at people who teases you
[ ] You make faces when your
principal/teacher/parents warns you
[x] You hate cleaning

TOTAL X's: 11
Multiply the total X's by 3 and add 2
(11x3)+2 = 36


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